Saturday, January 31, 2009

A video of our big trip

I made this a while ago and was sure I'd posted it, but apparently have not! Here it is anyway, hopefully capturing the essence of our grand adventure... Enjoy!  

The wonderful music is "Sunlight through Rails" by Chequerboard!


Mel said...


I just LOVE this! It makes me wish I were on that trip! But also so well done, that I feel I was, and am totally rested, too!

Perfect editing and sound choice...

I'd say trascendentally kinetic...

Newness and nostalgia...

What more could one want in an experience?

AMI said...

Hi Circe, Thank you so much - what lovely words! It was a great trip, and that video captures it well, spurts of hanging out in between lots of driving!

Mel said...

Lisa, is that ladybird I see in the Valentino's video? And truly your steady hand and able ear in the shooting editing AND singing?

Amazing. How talented and inspiring you are! Very cool.

LOVELY singing voice, too! I think we'd all like to hear more!



A "cheery" disposition said...